3 Ways Camping is Great for Your Self Care

You can’t log on to the internet these days without seeing some headline somewhere touting the benefits of the latest in self care – whether it’s a day at the spa, a new yoga class, or a cleansing diet. And you certainly can’t go far on the internet without just as many (if not more!) headlines stressing the latest national or global crisis in a bid for your time, mental energy, and attention. In a crazy world, self care is more important than ever. But how do you make it happen? And what are some good ways to practice it? Check out our tips for self care below!

Get Some Fresh Air

Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine and fresh air doesn’t just do a body good – it does a body great! Fresh air and sunshine is good for your mental health, especially at a time when vitamin D levels tend to be down for everyone. If the sun is shining, get outside for your lunch break.

Camping and Self Care

Also, some of the best self care practices involve meditation and deep breathing exercises – which is doubly beneficial when those deep breaths are taking in fresh outside air. Even a quick breathing session of 5 deep inhales/exhales outdoors can lift your mood and help clear your mind. Try it!

Mute the Notifications

Go on a social media fast. Really. Remove the apps from your phone for a week and turn off news media headline notifications.

Camping and Self Care

You might spend the first day or two absentmindedly picking up your phone to open them up (which you might find to be a shocking indicator of how much time you were spending on them!), but if you remove all of the things clamoring for your attention, you might be surprised at how much better you feel in just a few days.

Enjoy Some Exercise

Exercising more is one of the top New Year’s Resolutions for many people, only to fall off the wagon within a few weeks. But is there anyone telling you that you can’t get back on the wagon? We didn’t think so. Set a goal of doing some light stretching or going for a ten minute walk 3 times a week. Start with small, reasonable steps and go from there. Your body will thank you!

Camping and Self Care

Connect with the Great Outdoors

Go outside and stay outside! Spending prolonged periods of time in the great outdoors is one of the best things you can do for self care and your mental health. And one of the best ways you can routinely make time for this is to go camping!

Camping and Self Care

Camping in a new or used RV is such a good self care practice because, as it turns out, it ticks all the boxes for the things we’ve mentioned here. Weekend getaways are a good place to start, and by the time summer rolls around, you’ll be ready for longer trips.

Camping and Self Care

We can help support your self care by helping you pick out the perfect new or used RV for your adventures. Contact us today!

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