5 Organizing Tips for a Comfy and
Neat RV

Choosing the RV lifestyle does not entail any kind of compromise on comfort, neatness, or
organization. Rather, it can encourage one to be extra organized and neat.

RVs are meant to be a source of comfort on your next adventure. You do not have to spend
exorbitant money on unfamiliar hotels you struggle to sleep in. Your RV is your familiar
space, one that you can be cozy in anywhere you go. It can carry all the stuff that you need,
provided you make efficient storage arrangements.

Here are five organizing tips that can help transform your RV into the neat and comfortable
haven that you want it to be.

RV Tips

1. Make optimum use of the available storage space

Presumably, you have come across the proverbial notion that there must be ‘a place
for everything and everything in its place.’ It is something to remember when you are
organizing your RV.

Reflection 150 Series Review

Clear storage containers are a great way to give everything a place. With just a
glance, you can see the contents of the containers, so you won’t have to open them
each time. The containers can be secured inside cabinets. Wherever it is not
possible or practical to use clear containers, make it a point to add labels.

Select container sizes suitable for the intended contents and also according to the
size of the cabinets where you want to store them. Placing things inside containers
also means protecting them from moisture and dust.

Use compartmentalized containers for neatly storing away smaller items. Packing
cubes are also a great option for storing your belongings in the RV.

2. Opt for multifunctional furniture

Multifunctional furniture can prove to be very convenient in an RV. You can select
from the many available options and features depending on your needs. Save
valuable space with transformable furniture.

RV Tips

For instance, some beds can be folded up along the wall to reveal sofas and shelves. You
could save space with a wall-mounted folding table; utilize it for multiple purposes like dining,
ironing, working on your laptop, and doing kitchen chores.

Escape Review

Some multifunctional furniture pieces also offer extra storage. You could opt for
modular interior design. Hyper-functional furniture can have many possible
configurations. With some pre-planning and appropriate choices, your RV can look
like a vision from your dreams.

3. Pack away with vacuum bags:

Vacuum bags can help you store a lot in a little space. You can store some types of
clothing in vacuum bags for as long as six months without ruining them.

RV Tips

Store away the thicker bedsheets and duvets (except down and feather ones) in
vacuum bags during the hotter months. Vacuum bags are indispensable while packing
for vacations. Neatly arrange the vacuum-sealed bags inside the bed or cabinets.

4. Utilize the vertical space:

You can maximize the space in your RV by utilizing the vertical space (walls, doors,
and cabinet doors) effectively. Command hooks are great for hanging up coats and
other clothing. Consider adding command hooks inside cabinet doors for your
electrical cords and smaller items. Utilise over-the-door caddies in the bathroom for
your shower products.

5. Secure everything:

While organizing your RV, it is important to do so while being mindful of its mobility.
You do not want all your neatly organized belongings to come hurtling out onto the
floor of the RV when you are crossing a rough road. Secure light items with velcro
strips. You could nail wooden strips across the front lengths of the upper cabinets
just inside the door. This will hold back the heavier items from pushing against the

Consider adding extra partitions to the shelving to prevent things from sliding around
too much. Try to make sure that the containers and packing cubes fit snugly inside
the space in the cabinets. Utilize some of your belongings like kitchen towels as
padding. Command strips can be your best friends for securing items in your RV.
The most important tip for an organized and neat RV is to plan well in advance. Carefully
select the items that you will carry with you in your RV. Remember to declutter regularly. Do
personalize and decorate your RV according to your style. With a well-organized and
decorated RV, you might have just one problem – you may find it difficult to step out of the
comfort of your RV!

Contact us today if you have questions about shopping for a new or used RV!

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