Easy RV Christmas Decorating Ideas

It’s the holiday season and you know what that means: lots of travel. But here’s the thing, if you’re lucky enough to own an RV, you don’t have to travel like the rest of the people out there. In fact, as an RVer you get flexibility and comfort wherever you go. So, how can you keep the Christmas cheer when you’re away from home? By decorating your RV and camp site. Check out these Rv Christmas decorating ideas for some inspiration.

All The Lights

christmas lights

One of the best things about RVing is that you aren’t limited just because you’re on the road. There are many options out there for portable Christmas lights that are battery powered. We recommend using these to light up ladders, wreaths, and the outside of your RV when you’re driving. People will love seeing your decked out RV.

Once you get to your destination, whether it be a campground or a relative’s home, plug in your RV and deck it out in lights that need a simple plug, that way you save on the cost of batteries.

Bring a Tree

Just because you’re on the road doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get a Christmas tree. There are many 3 foot tall artificial trees that are simple to put up and take down and, even more than that, easy to secure into place when driving. One of the things you will love about having a tree in your RV is the looks you’ll get when people see it lit up in front of a window…while you’re driving.

If an artificial tree sounds like a lot of work, you can always make a faux Christmas tree out of criss-crossed garland that covers the back of your RV. Follow the garland with portable lights and you’ll get smiles for miles!


Christmas rolling pin

Baking delicious cookies and treats in your RV is a great way to get in the holiday spirit. In fact, baking treats is a great way to make friends wherever you are. Pass out your goods to neighbors at the RV park or share with family.

If you’re interested in learning more about RVing, contact us. We can help you find the right RV for your needs, walk you through new and used RVs for sale, and point you toward great options for your family. We can even assist with RV financing.

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