Every Ounce Counts: Lightweight Camping Tips

One way you can save on fuel and travel more economically in your new or used RV is by trying to cut back on how much weight you’re towing. Here are some easy ways to shave the pounds off what you’re packing, and our lightweight camping tips.

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Lightweight Food:

Eliminate water weight by packing food and snacks which have been dehydrated or freeze dried. Food that still has water content in it adds up fast and takes up more room, but dehydrated foods weigh much less. Plus, they take up less space.


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Shop smart for food and snacks by searching online for dehydrated and freeze dried vegetables, soup mixes, fruits, powdered drink mixes, and even meats. Also, travel only with the water in your fresh tank that you need in order to reach your destination – then, refill the tank upon arrival.

Lightweight Linens

Microfiber and quick-dry towels and linens weigh a fraction of what their fluffier counterparts weigh – and again, they take up much less room. Pack along shammy/chamois towels for after swimming as well as for use in the RV bathroom and kitchen.

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Make the decision now to invest in lightweight blankets for the bedroom and all other sleeping spaces (like sofa sleeper, bunkhouses, and convertible dinette) in your new or used RV. You’ll find that lightweight doesn’t have to mean sacrificing warmth, as many outdoor gear companies specifically design their products to keep you warm without weighing you down.

Lightweight Soaps

Soaps and detergents are more products that weigh more in liquid form. Make the switch for detergent tabs/sheets for the kitchen and laundry. You can even find hand soap sheets that are perfect for one time use (they come in a pack) that are lightweight and ideal for anywhere there’s a sink. (Handy tip: keep some in your bag, because you never know what public restrooms have or don’t have!)

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Lightweight Clothing & Gear

Lightweight clothing sold in outdoor stores is very well worth the investment! This clothing is designed specifically to be weather resistant, lightweight, and packable. This is also a great time to inspect all of your gear to make sure it’s in good condition.

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Check for damage and if anything needs to be replaced or repaired, do that before you hit the road. Specifically, if anything needs replacement, choose replacements that feature lighter weight materials, like aluminum frames, or even multi-tasking tools that perform more than one function, which lets you do more by packing less.

Shop Lightweight RVs

We can help you pick the ideal new or used RV for your traveling needs, and if you’re looking specifically for a lightweight RV, we can get you squared away!

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Contact us today for help picking the perfect RV for your family’s needs and your vehicle’s towing capacity.

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