Summer Safety and Health Tips

Beach days, camping excursions and other outdoor adventures are some of the best parts of summer. But those same summertime activities that everyone loves so much can be dangerous if you’re not taking the proper safety precautions. Follow these simple tips for protecting yourself and your kids from the sun, heat and other dangers of the outdoors in summertime.

Stay Cool

Heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses can occur when you’re exposed to more heat than you’re used to handling. Keep yourself and your family safe by having plenty of liquids on hand and providing shaded areas or other cool retreats.

Lather Up

In addition to applying sunscreen every two hours and after swims, make sure everyone is outfitted with a pair of sunglasses and loose UV-protective clothing. The sun’s rays are most harmful between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., so try to schedule your outdoor activities before and after those times. If you plan on being outside, set up an umbrella or sun shade to shield yourself from the summer sun.

Swim Safely

One of the best parts of summer is jumping into a refreshing pool, lake or ocean when the temperatures are running high. Be sure to visit pools, beaches, lakes and rivers where lifeguards are on duty, and always keep an eye on your kids when they’re in the water. And if you’re headed out for a boat ride, be sure you have the proper number and type of lifejackets for everyone on board.

Keep Bugs at Bay

Pesky summer bugs are almost impossible to avoid, but you can easily protect your family from insect-related diseases. Always use bug repellents containing DEET on children older than 2 months. Repellents containing DEET can help protect you and your kids from Lyme Disease, the West Nile Virus and other illnesses carried by mosquitoes, ticks and other bugs.

Get Your Summer Supplies at Beckley’s

We’ve got all of your summer RV needs — from sun shades to coolers and first-aid kits — right here at Beckley’s Camping Center. And if you’re looking to upgrade your RV this season, stop by and browse our huge selection of the finest new and used RVs in the industry.

Image by Nicholaus Haskins via Flickr Creative Commons

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