New Year’s Resolutions – Going Green with your RV!

The end of the year is upon us, which means that people all over the country are resolving to lose weight, spend more time with family, get a better job…the list goes on and on! At Beckley’s Camping Center, we want to foster a different kind of new year’s resolution: this year, resolve to go green with your RV!

How do you do that? There are a lot of ways – many easier than you might think!

  • Drive less – Everyone wants to camp at Yellowstone or Arches National Park, but there are many RV parks in Maryland that are just as beautiful. This year, make it a point to stay close to home and see the sights in your own backyard. Whenever possible, try to stay an extra day or two when you visit an area – it will be more relaxing and you’ll be able to enjoy the local sights and activities a little more. You never know what could be waiting close to home!
  • Leave no trace – Take the old camper’s adage to heart on your RV journeys this year. Make sure you dispose of all your trash properly – even if it means taking it home and throwing it away there. Remember, the goal of camping is to enjoy the natural state of the environment and share it with everyone around you.
  • Use LED lighting – Swap out the incandescent lighting in your RV for LED lights, which require very little energy to run and therefore put much less strain on your battery (and generator). There are a wide variety of LED lights to choose from, and recent advances in the technology have made them almost indistinguishable from incandescent lights!
  • Support your local farmers – Sure you could stock up on organic trail mix from Whole Foods before you embark, but nothing beats the fresh taste (and nutritional value) of an apple or tomato picked hours ago from a farm a few miles down the road. Support your local farmer and buy produce at roadside stands when you find them – you’ll be glad you did.
  • Swap your towed car for a bike – You’re going to be driving enough on the way to your campsite, so why bring your car along for the ride? Trade in the sedentary home lifestyle for one more adventurous by bringing along a bike, canoe, rowboat or anything that will get your heart pumping. Plus, towing a lightweight bike instead of a car will save you loads on fuel costs!
  • Use paper products – Many RVers are already doing this, but it bears mentioning – swap out your plastic plates, bowls and cups and replace them with paper products to help reduce landfill decomposition time. If you’re concerned about using too much paper, plant a tree while you’re out adventuring!
  • Travel lighter – The whole point of RVing is to take a break from the helter skelter of your day to day life, isn’t it? Make a point this year to travel lighter – not only will you be amazed by the places you’ll be able to access, but you’ll save a bundle on fuel!
  • Make conservation your “thing” – The more passionate you are about the environment, the easier (and more fun) it will be to go green on your RV excursions. Look for ways to be more mindful of the environment in everything you do – not just for you and the next people to visit the site, but for future generations as well.

From all of us at Beckley’s Camping Center, we want to wish you a safe and happy new year. We look forward to a successful 2011 camping season!

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