Upstate New York: The Perfect Camping Destination This Fall!

Upstate New York is a beautiful place to tour as summer transitions to fall. If you’re looking for an amazing camping destination to explore in your new or used RV, look no further than your New England backyard neighbor! Take a look at some of these camping destination ideas in New York.

Camping Destination

The Adirondacks and Catskills

New York hosts two iconic mountain ranges – the Adirondacks and the Catskills. You’ll find trails for hiking and biking, scenic waterfall excursions, and incredible mountain landscape views. Depending on where you go, you might also find opportunities to enjoy your dirt bikes or kayaks, so sweep out the garage in your toy hauler and load up the gear!

Camping Destination

Niagara Falls

If you’re a sucker for waterfalls, don’t pass up the opportunity to see Niagara Falls – one of the most iconic waterfalls in the country! And while it’s beautiful from any angle, it’s truly breathtaking from the Canadian side. You won’t regret taking the time for a border crossing to appreciate Niagara Falls from a Canadian perspective. If you want an even more impressive – and louder – vantage point, indulge in a trip on the Maid of the Mist, the boat tour that takes you right up to the thundering bottom of the falls.

Camping Destination

Vineyard and Orchard Tours

Welcome to wine country! New York is full of smaller, independently owned and operated vineyards. Many offer tours, wine tastings, or their own specialty house wine. The soil in upstate New York is perfect for growing everything from grapes to apples, so plan to alternate your stops between vineyards with visits to orchards. U-pick orchards are perfect family-friendly stops, and your kids will love trying different varieties of apples!

Camping Destination

Let Curiosity Be Your Tour Guide

Curiosity keeps us moving, learning, and discovering…and New York has plenty to offer the curious traveler! Routine RV service also keeps your new or used RV in prime condition and ready for adventure, so contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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